Saturday 20 December 2008

Throwing up on a Saturday Night

Well we've been at sea for just over a week now and had hoped we seen the last of the severe seasickness but it's come back with a vengeance. It's been a long time since I was throwing up on a Saturday night! Ken's really bad. We actually think it might be our cooking as the sea hasn't been quite so choppy lately. We are both feeling absolutely drained and awful. I just need to SLEEP!

Sploooosh! Oh I'm gonna have to go. Just got soaked. We've dropped the sea anchor for a bit but this means we face the wind and so keeping dry on deck just isn't an option! Thwack! It's no good the sea is coming over in all directions so I'll keep it short.

Our latest coordinates at 21.30 Saturday 20 December: N 24 09 214 W 18 27 991.

Sleep well everyone. Hope your Saturday night out was a good one. Thank you all for your continued support. I know people are adding donations to the justgiving site everyday, so BIG thank you for your generosity.

Aldo & Ken

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